Thursday 12 November 2009

Original Paintings Will Bring New Life To Your Home

Decorating should be fun and should reflect your personality and style. If you are planning a new decorating project, what you plan for you walls will be important. Original paintings will be a great addition to your home.

There are some things you should know if this is the first time you have bought original paintings. Buying what you love is the best advice anyone can give you. You will probably keep you paintings for the remainder of your life. If you make your decisions based on what matches the colors you have chosen, you might decide later that you made a bad choice. You will have to look at the painting every day, so it is important that you really love it.

The options abound for purchasing original paintings. You might want to go see what your local art galleries have to offer. They usually have a lot for you to look at. Directors at galleries know all about art, and can help you make your decision. But keep in mind that what you buy at a gallery will be at a premium price. Galleries ask their artists how much money the artist would like to make on the artwork. After that amount is determined, the gallery doubles the amount. So you are actually paying twice the amount that the artist wanted for the painting.

An art fair is an excellent place to see and buy original paintings. You can find an art fair in most cities and towns. Some art fairs are only held annually, but some will be held every month or every weekend. At an art fair, you will buy artwork from the artist. There is no middle man to deal with. This has more of a benefit than just price. By buying the painting from the artist, you will be giving the money directly to the person who created the artwork.

But that is not the only way to buy from an artist directly. Online auction sites have become very popular venues for artists to sell their art. An auction site will give you a very large selection of mediums and styles to consider. They are also an option for getting an excellent deal.

Other online sites exist to buy artwork. Regular galleries often have a website too. There are also very large websites that are dedicated to selling artwork exclusively. Many also sell photos and posters. They are very similar to galleries. The artwork is selected by people who are professionals of the art world. They manage what art is sold, and are experts when it comes to art.

For any online art purchase, you should ask for a certificate that will prove authenticity. These certificates certify that the painting is original, not something that has been copied. A certificate will also be a great benefit to you if you believe the painting might be sold in the future

You can never go wrong when buying original paintings for your house. They will look great on your walls and will be something you can pass along to future generations, who will love them as much as you do.


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