Saturday, 11 July 2009

A few things you should know before you buy Home Insurance

If you plan to purchase any type of home insurance policy this year. Whether it`s a building or contents policy. You must understand one thing. That the insurance companies have to make a profit to survive.And they are not going to pay out unless they have to.

When you bought your last insurance policy you were probably enticed by an advertisement on TV or in a newspaper,it probably implied that if you took out their insurance policy you would sleep safely in your bed at night, without a worry or care in the world. Why because you are insured and nothing can go wrong. Can it?

Well,it all depends. Advertisers will often push the law to the limit.Implying that only their insurance policy gives you full cover. However the most important document is not the advertisement, but the insurance policy document and you must study it carefully,and pay no attention to all the advertising hype.

So do you have to read the small print. Unfortunately yes, I know it`s boring and that life is to short, but by spending ten to twenty minutes studying it, you may save yourself from a lot of disappointment in the future.

Things to remember, if you want to make a successful claim.You must inform the insurance company of any changes in your circumstances. This could be things like a new lodger or pet in your home,or even changes in the area where you live, such as a new youth club in the neighbourhood, Also remember to keep all your insurance documents and paper receipts for any household goods. As you may need them for a future claim.

Always make realistic claims, don`t claim for a Rolex if you own a Timex, insurance companies will always pay out for realistic claims, but if you over-inflate your claim it will arouse suspicion, and your claim may be rejected as fraudulent.

Always disclose past insurance claims, or if you have had previous criminal convictions, otherwise they will accuse you of withholding important iinformation. Check excactly what you are covered for. You may have to pay extra for sheds, greenhouses and fences, or any valuables over a certain value. Even so called comprehensive insurance, does not cover every single thing. If it is not mentioned in the policy then it is not covered, if you are not sure exactly what you are covered for, get them to clarify it in writing, not on the phone, as in the event of a claim you will have no proof of a call.

Finally. If you complete the claims form, answering all of their questions honestly and truthfully, then the insurance company will not have an excuse to deny your claim. Always do a bit of research before you buy. And visit an unbiased insurance information website such as for lots of hint and tips.

E.D. Mealing is the co-author of the website It`s the insurance information website to visit for expert insurance advice about choosing the best insurance policy to suit you and your family .With handy tips and hints from expert contributors from all areas of the insurance world.


Passionate Blogger said...

Rather interesting. Has few times re-read for this purpose to remember. Thanks for interesting article.

Twit G said...
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Twit G said...

Always welcome you.

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